Extreme Lifestyle Experiments: My TEDx Talk

Earlier this month, I was honored with the opportunity to speak to an audience in Cambodia, for the first ever TEDx Phnom Penh event.

There were some absolutely amazing people putting this thing together, and some really excellent speakers in attendance. Most amazing to me was that the audience was full of young Khmers, most of whom were interested in entrepreneurship in some fashion.

The theme of the conference was ‘Building the Future’: a fitting idea, what with the overwhelming potential of the Cambodian people, and the unfortunate series of events in their recent history that have held them back in many ways. My take on this topic was to explain how I approach problems by attacking them from a different angle, and how even the smallest lifestyle experiment can help you achieve the perspective you need to find that new approach.

My talk is above, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

Update: February 7, 2017

I cringe every time I see old talks I’ve given over the years. This was my first somewhat big one, and the first of (as of today) four TEDx talks I’ve given in as many countries. It was wonderful having the excuse to visit Cambodia, as well, which is a really interesting place that I otherwise wouldn’t have visited that early in my travels.

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