
Few things are as sexy as a person who's passionate about something. Quote by Colin Wright
The 'way things are done' is a placeholder until you show them a better way. Quote by Colin Wright
Be good to people. And don't forget that you're people, too. Quote by Colin Wright
Wisdom is less about your age and more about how you spend the years you've got. Quote by Colin Wright
It's not your responsibility to want the life that others want for you. Quote by Colin Wright
Ideally, work means trading your time for something even more valuable. Quote by Colin Wright
As a general rule, it pays to be confident, helpful, and nice. Quote by Colin Wright
Be brazenly, passionately, defiantly you. Every damn day. Quote by Colin Wright
I'm sometimes reminded of how odd I am, and how wonderful it is to be this way. Quote by Colin Wright
Every second is a finite resource you can spend on nothing or everything. Quote by Colin Wright
Imagine how tragic it would be to die not knowing what you're capable of. Quote by Coin Wright
A great habit for self-growth is routinely making and breaking habits. Quote by Colin Wright
Focus on having substance, and achievement tends to follow. Not as often, vice versa. Quote by Colin Wright
Fundamentally, you're a creative machine that can turn calories into anything. Quote by Colin Wright
Relationships should be wings, not anchors; should enable, not confine. Quote by Colin Wright
You are an ambassador for your beliefs; your actions demonstrate your ideas. Quote by Colin Wright
Give yourself permission to enjoy life: it's unlikely anyone else will do so. Quote by Colin Wright
Your body isn't a temple, it's a home you'll live in forever. Take care of it. Quote by Colin Wright
We all try to build the best world we can; we just work from different instructions. Quote by Colin Wright
Be careful when choosing legacy over happiness; 'forever' seldom lives up to its definition. Quote by Colin Wright
Look over the fence for inspiration, but water your own yard if you crave green grass. Quote by Colin Wright
Making money to support your art is not selling out. Allowing others to determine its direction, is. Quote by Colin Wright
Even in an empty room, you've got you. Make sure you're excellent company. Quote by Colin Wright
Your intellectual horizons are just as interesting and important as the ones off in the distance. Quote by Colin Wright
It's difficult blazing new trails. Equally difficult is improving upon the trails others have blazed. Quote by Colin Wright
It's vital to be happy with now, while also asking how things could be better. Quote by Colin Wright
It's amazing how many hours we waste worrying about the hours we're wasting. Quote by Colin Wright
What's worse: to try and fail, or to never achieve the life you want to live? Quote by Colin Wright
Respect the value added, not the effort exerted. Quote by Colin Wright
The things you wear don't make you beautiful: they accentuate the beauty that's already there. Quote by Colin Wright
You're not the life you're born into. You're the life you build. Quote by Colin Wright
Unanswered questions aren't threats; they're challenges and catalysts. Quote by Colin Wright
Idealism is only naive when it lacks action, determination, and imagination. Quote by Colin Wright
Aspire to immortality, but enjoy your temporality. Quote by Colin Wright
Wealth is about how you spend what you have, not achieving the highest score. Quote by Colin Wright
No one else can complete you: you are whole. Any change must come from you. Quote by Colin Wright
Perfection and the horizon: things that you should chase but will never catch. Quote by Colin Wright
Pursue your happiness. Settling is for dust and Catan. Quote by Colin Wright
Sharpen your rough edges and be the best possible version of your weird self. Quote by Colin Wright
Solitude, much like life, can be torturously dull or breathtakingly enlightening. It's your choice. Quote by Colin Wright
Words aren't just encoded meaning, they're brush strokes. Apply them artfully. #quote by Colin Wright
Life and sex can be amazing or vacant depending on one's zest for passion, practice, and effort. Quote by Colin Wright
Debt is both anchor and agony. It weighs us down and makes gravity painful. Quote by Colin Wright
Create, curate, and amplify work you believe will change things for the better. Quote by Colin Wright
Ask yourself the hard questions, never stop asking, and allow your answers to change as you do. Quote by Colin Wright

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